more       life.

12 month program

More life.

Mindset Mastery, Mental Training, & Spiritual Growth.

‘More life’  is a commitment to taking full responsibility for how you feel, act, and perform. To not wait for outside circumstances or future outcomes to feel good but to actively and consciously create your best self— every single day, one day at a time.

This 12-month program is a journey to develop a resilient, purpose-driven mindset, get to know your true self, and work on a deep spiritual level to tap into your inner wisdom. The program follows a clear outline with specific focus points but is highly individualized to you and your life. You and I will work together to co-create a life of inner freedom where you can thrive physically, mentally, and spiritually.

The program empowers you to recognize the interconnectedness of all aspects of your life, helping you understand how each area impacts your overall health, well-being, and performance. The work prioritizes your bio-individual needs as a human being over everything else, creating a life that supports both your personal and professional life.

Nothing deserves more attention than what you do daily, and ‘more life’  is designed to use your greatest power— your daily actions, to fulfill your highest personal and professional potential. We will fundamentally change your being through mindset and perspective shifts, mental training, and spiritual work.

Twelve months of self-study, spiritual exploration, mindset development, mental discipline, and accountability can lead to transformative changes. The work will foster a profound connection with your inner self and elevate your mental and physical health, well-being, and performance. Striving to be better, live better, and achieve from a place of inner peace, flow, and a love for what you do.

Let’s get to work.

What we'll do

  • Uncover what patterns are holding you back
  • Accept, embrace, learn from your past and use it to create a better present and future
  • Create your own unique definition of success and design a life that leads you there
  • Get clear and specific on what your bio-individual needs, wants, and goals are
  • Cultivate an unwavering mindset that serves the person you want to become
  • Utilise your daily actions to create a peak state of being. Every single day. One day at a time.
  • Bring awareness, clarity, and action steps to every area of your life and see how everything in interconnected.
  • Create and achieve your goals from a place of love for what you do, flow, gratitude, and contentment. Not from fear, force, greed, and lack.

How we'll do it

  • Co-creating: No coaching with the notion of knowing it all and having all the answers. Only wisdom, guidance, and accountability from someone who’s been on both sides of coaching and will empower you to take responsibility for your personal and professional life. We work together to create your best self. You speak, I listen.
  • We will follow a clear outline with specific focus points but highly personalise it to you, your life, and your goals.
  • We will formulate clear, achievable action steps and hold you accountable to the changes you seek for yourself
  • We create lasting change through gradual shifts, not radical changes. Simple, yet powerful
  • Knowledge and wisdom of life is one thing, acting on and implementing it is a totally different story. We will work on both


Creating powerful ways of being, living, & achieving.


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